Curriculum vitae
Name: Nadia Bambirra Dos Santos
Affiliation: Vania Gelape Bambirra
Theotonio dos Santos Jr.
Artistic name: Nadia Bambirra
Birthplace: Brazil - São Paulo - 11/18/1964
ID M3 222087 SSP/MG
CPF: 505.120.806-15
Passport: FP538192
Work card number: 98071 series 048RJ
Dancer / Actress / Producer / Director
Professional Registration: DRT 8.413RJ - SATED
Executive Producer - Tv Show Director
Professional Registration: DRT 23615108 SINDICATO RADIALISTAS
Tel 55 21-996667392 / 21 -988031540
Address: Rua Coronel João Olinto 880 ap 101 - Recreio, Rio De Janeiro RJ Brazil Zip code: 22790 170
Instagram and Twitter: @nadiabambirra
Communication / Journalism (graduated at university)
UVA Universidade Veiga de Almeida (2001)
Actress - CAL Casa Das Artes De Laranjeiras (1988)
Conscious Dance / Technique Rainer Vianna
Certified by Rainer and Angel Vianna to obtain the Professional registration
Pranic Healing*
Training with Master Choa Kok Sui in San Diego CA
Portuguese, English and Spanish
A multi artist who explores art in all its forms and spaces, on movie screens, on television, on cell phones, on stages and in the streets. She started in art through dance in Mexico, with Margarida Contreras, and in Brazil. was a student of Bettina Bellomo, Tatiana Leskova, Dalal Achcar, Klaus and Angel Vianna, and assistant to Rainer Vianna.
Graduated as an actress from CAL - Casa das Artes de Laranjeiras/RJ and in Journalism from Universidade Veiga de Almeida, UVA/RJ.
As a producer and director, in theater, cinema and TV, she performed several works in front of the CPC - Cultural Production Center, directed and produced 50 episodes of the program "Novos Nomes em Cena", presented by Paulo Betti on Canal Brasil, the documentary "À Procura Daquilo", shot during Kumba Mela-India, music clips, among them, Quando Fui Seu Par, by Jaffar Bambirra, with approximately 1 million views, on Youtube. He directed the short film, Viver!, which was selected for Short Film Corner - Cannes, and several pilots for series and programs.
At TV Record, she directed the series "Plano Alto", "Milagres de Jesus", and the soap opera "Dona Xepa", he also participated in "Rebelde", "Poder Paralelo", "Amor e Intrigas", "Luz do Sol" and “Alta Estação” as assistant director.
After 10 years without stepping on stage, she debuted as an actress in the plays "Antes do café" by Eugene O'Neill and "Senhora dos drowned" by Nelson Rodrigues under the direction of Jorge Farjalla. In cinema, she acted, among other films, in the short film Apartamento 601, by Eduardo Vaisman, which won her a Kikito as best actress at the Gramado Festival. She was part of the group "History Tellers" at Teatro Espaço in Paraty, from Grupo Porão, and is currently ahead of Coletivo Just Cenas, created during the isolation of the pandemic.
He entered the world of Webseries, directing and creating “Maridas&Maridas” recorded with an iPhone 5S, “CDA – Clube dos Antissociais”, and the phenomenon “The Stripper”, the webseries with the highest number of views in the world, which has already passed more than 50 Million on YouTube. During the last seven years she has taught acting classes for film and TV at the Wolf Maya Actors School, where she has created and directed more than 400 short films.
She is currently dedicated to the study of performance, participated in the Performative Clinic workshop with Tania Alice and Caio Picarelli, at UNIRIO, and prepares Project 7, performance and installation, with the APC collective, she is also dedicated to the training and preparation of actors, and courses for EAD platform.
Apenas Cenas - Coordinator - Project 7
The Building - Webseries 2021
Avós - Clip - Jaffar Bambirra Instagram IGTV 2020
CDA – Clube Dos Anti Sociais - Webseries 2019/21
The Stripper - Webseries - YouTube 2019
Chorar De Alegria- booktrailer by Lorena Pimenta – Editora Globo 2019
Quando eu fui seu par - Clip Jaffar Bambirra / YouTube 2019
Lareira - Susanne Clip / YouTube 2019
Illustração- Clip Jaffar Bambirra, featuring Pally Siqueira, YouTube 2018
Maridas & Maridas - Webseries YouTube 2016, Direction, Camera and Text (recorded with an Iphone 5)
Na procura D'aquilo (India) - Documentary / Tia Maria Filmes 2017
Plano Alto - Tv series by Marcílio Moraes / TV Record 2014
Milagres De Jesus- Series and telefilm / TV Record 2014
Dona Xepa - Soap Opera - TV Record 2013
REBELDE (1st Assistant Director) - Novela TV Record 2010/12
Viver! - short (Filmed with RED)
Adapted from the short story by Machado de Assis, by Laura Malin,
with Gracindo Jr and Eriberto Leão, narration by Rodrigo Santoro
Selected for Short Film Corner - Cannes 2010
Great Chef - TV promo
Papo Avoado - TV promo
Waiting for Dinner - TV promo
Urbanas - TV series promo / Salvador BA 2011
Rs campaign - 2009
Assistant Director - TV Record (2007 to 2009)
Poder Paralelo /Amor e Intriga/ Luz do Sol/ Alta Estação
Novos Nomes Em Cena Canal Brasil - 2005 / 2006(56 episodes)
Presented by Paulo Betti
Nominated for the Prêmio Qualidade Brasil 2006 – Best closed TV program
A Serpente by Nelson Rodrigues / Theater Natalinha 2016
Morte e Vida Severina 1993/94 Co-Director With Cristina Pereira
João Caetano Theater / Paço Imperial /Casa Da Gávea / Canela Theater Festival
ACTRESS (cinema)
Apartment 601 Short Film 16mm 1992
Directed by: Eduardo Waisman
Rio Film Festival - 1993
Berlin Film Festival - 1993
Gramado Film Festival - 1993
Kikito Best Actress - (Special Jury Award)
Bahia Film Festival - 1993
Brasilia Film Festival - 1993
Banco do Brasil Film Festival - TV Bandeirantes 1994
A cor do destino - Directed by Jorge Duran
Com licença vou a luta - Lui Faria
A Cura - Ibase
A Ópera do Malandro - Directed by Ruy Guerra
A Espera - Directed by Maurício Faria and Luis Fernando De Carvalho
ACTRESS (theater)
Senhora dos Afogados, by Nelson Rodrigues directed by Jorge Farjalla - National Tour 2018/19
Before Coffee, by Eugene O'Neill, directed by Jorge Farjalla - 2016
Inês De Castro, Rainha Morta - Teatro Villa Lobos 2005
Directed by Marcelo Escorel
Pedro Mico - Teatro Da Praia 1998
Directed by Pedro Vasconcelos
A Lesson Too Far 1996/97
Directed by Pedro Vasconcelos
PORÃO(Theatrical Research Group) Teatro Villa Lobos 1993/97
Directed by Daniella Visco
20 atores querendo ser - Casa Da Gávea 1993
Directed by Sergio Britto
Um Breve Miriam Muniz Casa Da Gávea 1993
Directed by Paulo Betti
Cia Grupo Contadores De Estórias - Paraty 1992
Directed by Marcos and Raquel Ribas
A Presidenta com Jorge Dória 1991/92
Mistérios de Curitiba - Teatro Copacabana Palace 1990
Directed by Ademar Guerra
Movimento 5 Mulher - Directed by Rainer Vianna
Tardes do Pão de Açúcar
Morro da Urca 1986
Geração Beat CAL1986
Directed by Moacir Goes
“La Churronovela”
Mexico DF 1976
Directed by Oscar R. Trejo Zaragoza
ACTRESS ( Tv/ Webseries)
Sob pressão - Alma / Season 5 - TV Globo 2022
The Stripper - Clara / YouTube webserie 2019
CDA – Clube dos Anti Sociais - Paula / webserie 2020
DOI, by Sonia Rodrigues - Youtube webseries 2018
SENAC Institutional 1999
The Impostor - Lurdinha / You Decide - TV Globo 1998
A Viagem - Margarida - TV Globo 1994
Ana Raio E Zé Trovão - Nina / TV Manchete 1991
Na Rede De Intrigas - Alzira TV Headline 1991
Xou da Xuxa - Draguxa (Boneco) TV Globo 1990
(Xou Da Xuxa Raffle Doll)
Clip Lulú Santos (dancer) - Fantastic TV Globo 1985
ACTRESS (education)
Clínica Somática Performática - Tania Alice - UniRio 2022
José Wilker - Casa Da Gávea 1992
Sérgio Britto - Casa Da Gávea 1992
Luis Arthur Nunes - Casa Da Gávea 1992
Paulo Betti - Casa Da Gavea 1992
Miriam Muniz - Casa Da Gávea 1992
Cecyl Thiré - Laura Alvim 1992
Rubens Corrêa - Teatro da Aliança Francesa De Botafogo 1991
Juan Arcos - Mimica CAL 1986
Acting for TV - Wolf Maya 1984
Oscar Raimundo Trejo Saragoza - Theater 1978 - Mexico DF
Acting For Camera
Film and TV (acting) - CETEAC 2006
Theater (Young People) 2006
Theater (Teens)
Second Tiradentes Film Festival 1999
Introduction to Shakespeare's Work for Teens 1999
Theater for Teens 1997/98
with Pedro Vasconcelos
Theater for Children 1995
Minimum Age 50 Years 1992/94
with Cristina Pereira Body Preparation - School of Actors WM - 2014
Body Preparation - Canela Theater Festival 1991
Body Preparation - Escola De Teatro Martins Pena 1987
Introduction to Dance (children) Escola De Dança Angel Vianna
Rainer Vianna's Assistant - Body Awareness / Conscious Dance
Inês De Castro - Rainha morta Theater Villa Lobos 2005
Directed by Marcelo Escorel
Natureza Morta Fringe – Curitiba / Hotel Paris – RJ – 2004
Directed and Produced by - Roberta Oliveira
Começaria tudo outra vez
Centro Cultural Correios / Theater of Arts / Sesc Winter Festival Petrópolis / Teatro das Artes SP 2004
Directed by Dácio Malta
O cara que dançou comigo Casa Da Gávea 2003
Steering Michel Bercovitch
O Falcão e o Imperador
Villa-Lobos Theater and National Tour 2002
Directed by Leticia Spiller Jac Fagundes Daniela Visco
Dartagnan e os três mosqueteiros
National tour and Teatro Das Artes 1999
Directed by Pedro Vasconcelos
Pedro Mico Teatro Da Praia 1997
Directed by Pedro Vasconcelos
Uma lição longe demais
Curitiba PR Salvador BA Vitória ES Fortaleza CE São Luis MA Belém PA Manaus AM Passos MG Natal RN João Pessoa PB Rio Grande Do Sul RS 1996/97
Direction Pedro Vasconcelos
Relaxa Que é Sexo Cia Do Lobo 1994
Directed by Wolf Maia
Casa Da Gávea 1993/94
Directed by Paulo Betti
Xou Da Xuxa Teatro Fenix Program - Rede Globo1991/92
Directed by Marlene Mattos
Curso De Modelo e Manequim Turnê Brasil
Directed by Oswald Berry 1992/93